How to Lose Excess Weight & Become Fit

      Depending on our body constitution, age, health condition, geographic factors and environment, the same food can have different effects on the body. But in any case, the food we consume must be alive, which means – full ofsolar energy. For our existence, we need energy. Most of it is contained in cereals, legumes, grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, herbs and raw honey.

Men from Tuareg tribe of Africa (they are a Berber people with a traditionally nomadic pastoralist lifestyle; the principal inhabitants of the Saharan interior of North Africa), despite the constant occupation and physical labor, these people nourish themselves with only a few dates a day. Chinese and Japanese peasants may well live with only a handful of rice a day, Egyptian -with a cup of cooked beans. Live concentration of sun brings so much energy that it is sufficient for adult humans in small amounts to maintain an active lifestyle.

Theory of calories that are considered by many as the standard, based on counting the number of calories derived from the combustion of various types of products in the calorimetric furnaces. But the human body is more complex than a calorimeter furnace, and its energy costs are subject to entirely different laws.

In order to get thousandcalories in the calorimetric furnace you need to burna piece of meat or a certain amount of grain. In the human body the same splitting of these products is carried out with the expenditure and release of different amounts of energy. Moreover, theenergy obtained from the products and spent for their processing are different: meattakes more, cereal porridges takes much smaller proportion of energy derived from it. The processing of a hard-boiled egg, requires more energy thanit gives.

A natural question arises: why do wenot feel hungry for a longer time after eating a piece of meat? The answer is not sosimple. Nature has created mammals herbivores and carnivores(predators). They are quite differentfrom each other by the ratio of their intestinal tract length to body length. Predators have two times smaller intestine in comparison to people. People on this indicator are still much closer to the herbivores.

According to the World Health Organization, consumption of meat is the third factor that shortens the life of a person after nicotine and alcohol. The human body can not break down animal fat and cholesterol found in meat. Therefore, our body is struggling with it like with a poison. Since the gastrointestinal tract has a considerable length, this process continues for a long time. And while the gastrointestinal tract works, hunger does not arise.

In order our body could completely digest meat,we need a lot of microelements, which are present in more than thirty different herbs. But we do not consume sufficient amounts of various greens. People of the Caucasus, for example, consume significantly more types of greens, so eating meat for them is less harmful. Moreover, mountain lamb meat, which grewat an alpine meadow is an excellent living product for them.

Absolutely another thing is the industrial meat production. Those cows, for years standing in the stall, deep in mud, who are fed with chemical additives, where not a single gram of living energyexist; stand in line at the slaughterhouse, everyday poisoned by the moribund fluids of their cellmates. So, it is quite another quality of meat.

The amount of calories in both cases is the same, but the impact on our body is completely different.

Regular fasting – is one of the most important rules how to keep yourself healthy and slim. For example, the only possible way to get rid of prostatitis is to undergo regular fasting. Periodic two weeks fasting burns out all cancerous formations in our body. While short regular fasting our body starts to devour the harmful cells, consuming all unnecessary inside itself.  So, intermittent fasting does not gobble up your bones and muscles, - it gobbles up harmful cells, like cancer cells.

And the less toxic cells will remain, the less fat will remain in our body.

Overweight is always an evidence of slagging of the body. The ratio of toxic (slag) cells to normalmust not exceed a certain rate. Therefore, by increasing the number of slag cells, our body as a self-regulatory system is required to maintain this ratio, increasing the number of normal cells. The easiest way to do it - is at the expense of fat.The easiest and most effective method ofweight correction is in a simple truth: “Start eating less!”

Peoples from the North, for whommeat is the main food, are genetically adapted so that they can easily assimilate all the components of meat. Buttheir bodies are so intoxicated by those energy-clots so that their intellectual capability is much suppressed.

No one will doubt that essential food for infants is mother's milk. Those children who were fed with mother’s milk in the first hours after birth were not predisposed to allergy, children grow perfectly healthy. Indeed, at the time of breastfeeding biofield of mother and child constitute a single biofield capsule, subtle informational and energetical fields share and makeup a kid.

When the kid is no longer an infant his body ceases the production of those enzymes that split the milk in the gastrointestinal tract. If later in your life you still continue to regularly consume milk, the body accumulates a significant amount of toxins, which in the form of mucus will envelop the internal organs and food, which you may consume together with milk. Our body is unable to break down and absorb one of the components of milk - casein. This does not mean that the milk should be completely excluded from the diet. From time to time it is very healthy to drink fresh milk, rich in solar energy - it's a great benefit for the body. But it is important to consume only raw milk, straight from the cow, not to boil it and use in small quantities with special spices which will help to assimilate it and not produce the mucus. 

Very good example for understanding the difference between calorie food and energy is the official record of the passing through the Karakum desert in the summer of 1989 by two groups of people. Details are described in the book of the outstanding promoter of healthy lifestyles Yu.A.Andreev: " Three Pillars of Health", many tips of which are used in his book.

During their passage one group of travelers used the products with total 4000 calories per day. These included a variety of canned food, concentrates, liver, chocolate, juices etc. The daily water consumption was up to 10 liters.

Another group was experimental and moved across the sands under the direction of G. Shatalova. Caloric food intake was not more than 1000 kcal per day. Women were drinking 2 liters of hot green tea per day, men - 2.5 liters. Their breakfast consisted of food containing solar energy: raisins, almonds, hazelnuts, a bit of honey. Dinner consisted of a small amount of rice soup with herbs like dill, parsley, seaweed, sesame and cumin. This group passed the entire route for four days, maintaining excellent health. Blood pressure and heart rate did not exceed the norms of a healthy person.

From the first group only three people were able to pass the entire route. All those people faced high blood pressure, fast heart rate, depressed mood and overall weakness. They have lost a few kilos.
But the paradox is that in the experimental group no one has lost weight, and some even gained some. Live food not only stimulates the vital processes - it is a preventive measure against many diseases and also heals us. If you want to have healthy teeth and gums, for example, then eat more vegetables and fruit. Chewing raw vegetables trains tissues, causing blood flow to it, which always promotes circulation improvement.

There are also some rules of how is better to consume food and not to gain weight:

1. Eating should be a slow process. The feeling of satiety occurs in about 20 minutes after starting a meal and it doesn’t depend much on the amount eaten. So if you will eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, you will need the quantity of 2-3 times less.

2. If you want to enhance the positive impact of food, then before you start to eat, think few minutes about the beauty and nourishment of the food you see on your plate, admire it mentally. Thus you add positive additional information that will contribute to your health.

3. For the same reason, do not eat in the irritable condition or engaged in active talk during your meal. You can harm yourself more than get the benefits from food. Because when you are nervous, there is a sudden increase of acidity in the digestive tract. Acid begins to eat away the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Hence possible ulcers. At a constant annoyance all your attempts to cure the ulcer may fail. Therefore, if you are extremely annoyed, drink at least a glass of warm water. Thus you reduce the concentration of acid in the body.

4.  Try to completely abandon the use of salt for several days and take a daily 15-minute contrast shower, replacing the cold and warm water every 15 seconds.This method is very healthy for all your body health.

5. The last and the most important rule of how to keep yourself fit and get rid of excess weight – you should significantly limit your daily ration of food  
                                      Juice fast

In natural remedy for obesity, the chief concern should be the balanced selection of foods which supply the maximum necessary nutrients with the least number of calories. Exercise also forms an important part of the treatment. To begin with, patient should undertake a juice fast for seven to ten days. Juices of lemon, grape fruit, orange, pineapple, cabbage, celery, may be taken during this period. Long juice fast up to forty days can also be undertaken, but only under expert guidance and supervision. After the juice fast, the patient should spend a further four or five days on an all-fruit diet, taking three meals of fresh juicy fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, pineapple and papaya. Subsequently, he may steadily embark upon a low-calorie well balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) vegetables and (iii) fruits, with emphasis on raw fruits, vegetables, and fresh juices. 

Fasting on honey-lime juice water is extremely beneficial in the cure of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. In this mode of treatment, one spoon of fresh honey should be mixed with a juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water and taken at on a regular basis. 

Another effective therapy for obesity is a restricted lemon juice diet. On the first day the patient should be given nothing but ample of water. On the second day juice of three lemons mixed with equal amount of water should be given. One lemon should be subsequently increased each day until the juice of twelve lemons is consumed per day. Then the number of lemons should be decreased in the same order until three lemons are taken in a day. The patient may feel weak and hungry on the first two days, but afterwards the condition will be stabilized by itself.

Cabbage is considered to be an effective home remedy for obesity. Cabbage is referred to as “smart carb” as it is low in calories and fat and rich in fiber, which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. A must have on any weight loss diet.
                                        Yoga therapy       

Along with dietetic treatment, the patient should adopt all other natural methods of reducing weight. Exercise is an important part of weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body fat and relieves tension, besides toning up the muscles of the body. Certain yoga asana are highly beneficial. Not only do they break up or redistribute fatty deposits and help slimming, but they also strengthen the flabby areas. Sarvangasana, halasana, bhujangasana, salabhasana, dhanurasana, chakrasana, naukasana, ardha matsyendrasana, paschimottanasana, vajrasana, yogamudra and trikonasana are recommended. Yogic kriyas like kunjal and jalneti and pranayamassuch as kapalbhati and bhastrika are also helpful in normalizing body weight.

The patient should also adopt measures which bring on excessive perspiration such as sauna baths, steam bath and heavy massage. They help to reduce weight. Above all, obese persons should make every effort to avoid negative motions such as anxiety, fear, hostility and insecurity and develop a positive outlook on life.

                                       Best Herbs and Spices for Weight Loss

Herbs and spices have amazing properties which help in losing weight. While exercise and diet cannot be replaced in terms of weight loss, there is apparent evidence that certain natural substances (i.e herbs and spices) may increase the rate of burning fat. Adding certain herbs and spices to daily diet not only improves health, but also adds taste and flavor to food. Lets evaluate 15 herbs and spices useful in weight loss.

Based on recent studies, Turmeric (Curcuma) may help in regulating body metabolism, which plays a vital role in weight management. Indeed, taking turmeric for weight loss does not only treat myriad diseases and disorders, it is also a very healthy spice to add to your daily diet.

There are several theories proposed behind the weight loss benefits of turmeric. Curcumin, the main active component of turmeric, plays a huge part in blocking the deposit of fat and controlling sugar. A number of researchers think that dietary curcumin could stem the spread of fatty tissue by suppressing the growth of new blood vessels called angiogenesis, which is required in building new fat tissue.

Another theory about the effectiveness of turmeric for weight loss is its ability to cause thermogenesis in the body. The term thermogenesis means the process of producing body heat in organisms. It happens when the central nervous system activates the fat burning mechanism to keep the body’s temperature. The spice components in turmeric bind to capsaicin receptors, thus even increasing the rate of thermogenesis. In addition, beyond the effect of thermogenesis in weight reduction, turmeric also supports the detoxification process of the liver. The liver is considered the mot vital fat-burning organ and this activity slows down if the liver becomes overworked.

Good news for people suffering from obesity: turmeric may prevent impending inflammation of vital organs. The inflammation that is accompanied by obesity is due to the presence of macrophages in the fat tissues. Macrophages produce cytokine molecules that cause inflammation of the organs. The medical science searching for methods to understand obesity have recommended that suppressing the activity and number of these cells, along with turmeric may possibly minimize some of the negative consequences of obesity.

Researches suggest using curcumin or turmeric as dietary supplement with a dose of 1 1/2 teaspoon per day. Take note that even though you are spicing up your food with turmeric, it is still more effective to balance it with diet and exercise.

Basil (Tulsi): Holy Basil is believed to have the property to lower the level of cortisol related to stress. As a response to stress, human body elevates the level of cortisol which is primarily responsible for increasing blood sugar through glycogenolysis and suppressing the immune system. Therefore, sustained high stereo condition may result in weight gain and poor health. Basil works as a nerve calming agent by keeping the cortisol levels low.

Coriander: Fresh coriander leaves are typically used in chutneys (sauces), curries and salads. Dried coriander seeds are used to flavor vegetables and curries. It has aromatic properties and it is a natural diuretic. It stimulates digestive process and help flush out impurities from the system. It helps to reduce water retention, cholesterol and regulates insulin level and thus helps in weight loss.

Cardamom: It helps in boosting metabolism and also in keeping our digestive system healthy. It is low in saturated fat.

Alfalfa (Lucerne):It is a great herb for weight loss. Alfalfa is a natural detox and it works by cleaning lever and digestive system for their optimal functioning. It boosts metabolism, aids in digestion, increase energy and also boosts the immune system.

Mustard: A research from Oxford Polytechnic Institute of England has revealed that body's metabolism rate can be improved by 25%, if one consumes one teaspoon of mustard. It has great weight loss properties.

Jalapeno: Jalapeno and other peppers contain capsaicin which works as a thermogenic agent. It helps in heating up the body and in the process consumes energy which comes for fat. It boosts the metabolism rate and at the same time it is also heart healthy as it does not increase the heart rate. It also helps in lowering cholesterol.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon helps in reducing the blood sugar and increasing insulin levels, and hence lower the chance of prediabetes. It also boosts metabolism and lowers LDL cholesterol which in turn controls obesity.

Ginseng: University of Maryland research has shown that Panax Ginseng has weight loss properties. Many forms of ginseng are effective in speeding up metabolism rate and hence help body burn out more calories.

Parsley: Parsley flush any excessive fluids from the body by acting as a mild diuretic. It is very effective for people having the water retention condition. Parsley is very nutritious, it has high levels of Vitamin A and C and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. It also has anti-oxidation properties and helps keeping cholesterol level low.

Cumin: It boosts our immune system. It helps in burning out calories by assisting the digestive process. Research has shown that cumin is also effective in the cases of Arthritis, Asthma and Kidney diseases.

Pepper: Pepper contains piperine that boosts metabolism. Pepper also assists absorption of certain nutrients in the body. It is advisable to use freshly grounded pepper in your food as the concentration of key component - piperine is high.

Dandelions: Raw dandelion can be consumed as salads. Nutritiously, it is among the top four vegetables and it helps in cleaning the body. It also makes you feel full for a longer period of time as it slow down the digestion. 

Ginger: Ginger boosts metabolism and raises body temperature. It helps in removing toxins and aids digestion. Ginger is also known to suppress appetite important for weight loss.

Cayenne Pepper: Research from Purdue University has shown that Cayenne pepper can improve metabolism. This is because of the presence of capsaicin which helps in burning fat and suppressing appetite.